Happy 2013, I know this will be the best year yet for my family! I can only wish for the same for all of you.
Books, Yarn, Fabric, Flour and Kids
The personal and public blog of a extremely busy nursing student, full time mom and very happy wife. I blog about saving money, knitting, sewing, facebook, my recent reads, my favorite foods and my sexy husband!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Boxing day 2013
Merry christmas to everyone. I'm pretty sure it's been long enough that I don't have anymore followers but in case I do. Hello :-)
2012 has been an exciting year for our family. Things really never managed to slow down as much as I would love for them too.
January started out with Stryder and I still attending school, I only have a few more classes left until I get my degree which is exciting. Stryder finished kindergarten at the top of his class. J and I also found out we were expecting a new bundle.
April, J started his new job as a telephone installation and repair tech. Woah talk about hours! This job has completely changed our lives. It truely was a blessing on our family. One we desperately needed.
Over the summer I experienced serveral illnesses and was placed on bedrest in order for my pregnancy to continue in a healthy fashion.
In June Stryder turned 6! We went to a movie, and he received some great gifts from the many that love him.
In September Kiwi turned 3. We also went to a movie to celebrate, it was an exciting day but we took it easy since I was 9 months pregnant. Later in the month, after 3 days of labor, we welcomed Emeline Claire into our family. She's perfect in every way.
Stryder continued to excell in every way at his school and was moved into second grade. What an amazing little person. Kiwi is following in his foot steps and we can more often than not find them together reading atlases and encyclopedias for hours.
In November J and I lost our minds and purchased both a home and a new truck on the same day. Remember those hours I talked about? They came with a significant pay raise as well. And while we're now entirely broke we own our home outright and hope to have the truck paid in full in a year.
Now Christmas has come and gone and the kids were once again blessed by our familys and community. We're looking forward to the new year and are excited by all that we face in 2013.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Today is just another lazy Saturday
This job has really been a blessing for us. We're actually on our way to moving out of this crappy trailer and maybe some day having our own place. Exciting. As much as I love my crappy trailer we've out grown it. With another baby on the way we're feeling the squeeze. Some days it feels like no matter how much I clean I can't get anything CLEAN. That's a pit fall of renting I guess. If it was our home we could just replace the floors that no longer shine, paint over the chipped and greasy paint and replace the nasty cupboards.
My plans for today were to just clean a bit and make sure the house looks good for my darling when he makes his way back. Sew up a couple of pairs of pants for my Kiwi and have Stryder do a little bit of reading and math to keep his skills sharp.
In all actuality I cleaned my room and am probably going to go and take a nap momentarily. This pregnancy is kicking me in the pants, I'm so sleepy all the time!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Bedrest no more!
Stryder and Kiwi also saw the doctor on Thursday. Stryder had pneumonia for 2 weeks along with severe allergies and asthma. All of which have cleared up. Obviously his asthma isn't cured but the new medication he's on is controlling it better than anything else he's tried. He hasn't had to use a breathing treatment or rescue inhaler in over a week! Kiwi had a stomach flu and lost 4 lbs in 5 days. Poor little stinker! She also got her bill of health and confirmation that it's NOT Hand, Foot and Mouth which is going around like crazy!
Summer is here, Thursday was Stryders last day, we're trying to get into a bit of a schedule, which is not so hard for Kiwi and I to adjust to since we haven't had to change anything. Stryder however is used to eating breakfast at 6-6:30, having a snack at 9, eating lunch at 10:30, another snack at 2, another at 4, then supper. This isn't how things work in the summer so we're working on breaking him of it. We'll have breakfast around 7-8, lunch at 11, snack after nap around 3 and then dinner at 5. He's been begging for food which is a BIG no, no in our house so we're going to have to break him of that habit pretty quickly. He gets pretty nasty about it which is leading to discipline issues. In all honesty he's a good kid but he consistently forgets the house rule, his kindergarten I guess was a bit more lax in what is acceptable behavior. We'll probably have him sorted out in the next month or so.
It's also Stryders birthday on the 13th. I ordered him and Kiwi a swing set from Toys R Us, supposedly it will be here in 3-8 days. I'm really excited to see it! We're going to celebrate his birthday with just the immediate family on the 13th, he says he wants chinese food. Then on the 22nd or 23rd we'll go and see Brave at the movie theater with the grandparents. I'll get the cake then, he wants an icecream cake from Dairy Queen.
Kiwi and Jason are up the same old same old. I feel bad about making this blog post entirely about Stryder but he's my problem child at the moment.

Here's a new photo of Kiwi and her mile long legs!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Summer of change? Or summer of slacking?
One of the hardest things for me to overcome is the fact that I'm just not very lady-like, I am vulgar and immodest, I speak in a manner that's best described as ghetto. These things my husband has mentioned to me several times, and I am going to change.
I've been working on my immodesty already, I try to not leave the house without combing my hair and applying a coat of mascara, I'm going to be wearing dresses and skirts almost daily with the occasional pair of jeans or shorts thrown in for comfort. I try to not show my shoulders and too much of my cleavage, which is difficult these days due to my growing body however it's something I'm aware of.
I also curse and yell at my kids a lot. I'm going to make a concentrated effort to end both of those behaviors.
We'll see what happens.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Summer time 2012!
Stryder excelled at everything put in front of him, and can now read at a 4th grade level and is doing basic multiplication, I'm extremely proud of him! He's at a charter school thats pretty far from our how, I have to drive 30 miles just to take him to the bus in the morning which means we drive over 120 miles a day in order for him to attend school, some times more if we're running late and I have to actually take him to the school.
My success was limited this last semester by 20 weeks of pregnancy complications. I'm currently on bedrest due to multiple UTI's and pneumonia, lame! Luckily I am finished with school and am now able to focus on things I actually enjoy, reading, knitting, sewing, spinning and surfing the net. I also get to catch up on 6 months of missed TV.
Kiwi has grown massively in the last year as well, she has a vocabulary and isn't afraid to use it! She also runs, jumps and loves to prove how fearless she is. I love my little redhead and can not wait to introduce her to her new baby sister.
Jason started his new job almost 2 months ago now. More money, WAY more hours, and a bunch of satisfaction. Since I met him he's been railing against having to be stuck at a desk all day. In fact he was deeply depressed about his job for a considerable amount of time. In the last 4 years he's really tried to move on as hard as he could. He finally succeeded and I couldn't be more proud of my sexy lineman.
This what he does all day long, he's already lost over 10 lbs and several inches in his waist just working. He does dislike that he has to spend so much time away from me and the kids, we're struggling to work through that but I think once we are able to take actual vacations together as a family things should sort themselves out. We now can't wait to spend time together, even if it's doing things like this:
Overall our little family is doing great, we're still rebelling in our own ways, and learning to accept how to be together when we're apart. I'm learning that I can't control every little thing. The last year has definitely featured some growth for us all.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Gearing back up
Stay tuned I have about 40 blog posts that need to go up. I've been writing some personal reviews and just realized last week nothing has posted here since June, I found my posts however and will be tossing them up ASAP.
Thank you for putting up with my insanity!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
June was a busy month and July is shaping up to be worse (better?)
Well in my life, June means school is over, except it doesn't summer school started, I had to sit for my CNA exam (which I passed with flying colors), I'm getting Stryder ready for Kindergarten since he turned 5 on the 13th. Jason's in school as well as working full-time. I also got a temporary job, I am caregiving for a lovely lady whom I am going to miss SO much when she moves to California in a few weeks. My home-based business, that I shut down due to time, money, insanity issues is BOOMING. I am trying to do trades for everything so I don't have any extra cash but DO get our house the things we need. It's working really well thus far. My birthday was July 1st and I'm now 30! So I had a 2 day weekend with my hubby, worked my 2 12's and then got to celebrate the 4th with the whole family, even my nieces and cousins.
I'm going to be giving individual updates on all of us in a bit, but for now. Enjoy your summer, love your families and don't go too nuts with heat exhaustion!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I ordered this from Amazon with some giftcards I got from Opinion Outpost (I've earned $285 from there in the last 2 years, not too shabby ;-) )
I've played with it this last week a LOT, I've come to the conclusion that I can not wear blue or green. I look amazing in orange and purple! Yellow, red and brown are also pretty good colors for my skin tone. I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on how to get certain looks, especially how to emphasize green eyes. My profile picture over at Facebook is one the better looks I've come up with.
Of course getting fixated on makeup comes with a slight price, mostly that being that I am having a hard time not purchasing primers and bases and fixatives and cream eyeshadows and glitters and.. yeah the list could probably continue for quite awhile. This NOT a cheap addiction and our budget does not allow for expenditures like this. Also with Stryder turning 5, Fathers day and my moms birthday this month and my birthday on the first (and hopefully a nice trip before the INSANITY of fourth of July on the mountain hits) Money is tight tight tight!
What discount options do you use to feed your makeup addiction?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Extreme Couponing
My poor kids though, all they want is Kraft, Kool-Aid, Chef Boyardee, Gold Fish, Fruit Roll Ups and sugary cereal.
The things I would love to get free product coupons for are:
Scrubbing Bubbles
Mr Clean
Irish Spring
Herbal Essenses
Sephora (hah)
The list can go on. If I can build up a stash of these types of things I'll be a very happy person.