Stryder and Kiwi also saw the doctor on Thursday. Stryder had pneumonia for 2 weeks along with severe allergies and asthma. All of which have cleared up. Obviously his asthma isn't cured but the new medication he's on is controlling it better than anything else he's tried. He hasn't had to use a breathing treatment or rescue inhaler in over a week! Kiwi had a stomach flu and lost 4 lbs in 5 days. Poor little stinker! She also got her bill of health and confirmation that it's NOT Hand, Foot and Mouth which is going around like crazy!
Summer is here, Thursday was Stryders last day, we're trying to get into a bit of a schedule, which is not so hard for Kiwi and I to adjust to since we haven't had to change anything. Stryder however is used to eating breakfast at 6-6:30, having a snack at 9, eating lunch at 10:30, another snack at 2, another at 4, then supper. This isn't how things work in the summer so we're working on breaking him of it. We'll have breakfast around 7-8, lunch at 11, snack after nap around 3 and then dinner at 5. He's been begging for food which is a BIG no, no in our house so we're going to have to break him of that habit pretty quickly. He gets pretty nasty about it which is leading to discipline issues. In all honesty he's a good kid but he consistently forgets the house rule, his kindergarten I guess was a bit more lax in what is acceptable behavior. We'll probably have him sorted out in the next month or so.
It's also Stryders birthday on the 13th. I ordered him and Kiwi a swing set from Toys R Us, supposedly it will be here in 3-8 days. I'm really excited to see it! We're going to celebrate his birthday with just the immediate family on the 13th, he says he wants chinese food. Then on the 22nd or 23rd we'll go and see Brave at the movie theater with the grandparents. I'll get the cake then, he wants an icecream cake from Dairy Queen.
Kiwi and Jason are up the same old same old. I feel bad about making this blog post entirely about Stryder but he's my problem child at the moment.

Here's a new photo of Kiwi and her mile long legs!
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