Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June was a busy month and July is shaping up to be worse (better?)

I'm dropping in to tell everyone Hello! Welcome to my blog. :-D I'm getting a bit of new traffic due to sponsoring my friend Debi's blog The Spring Mount 6 Pack She is a lot more dedicated to her blog than me and will be giving away some awesome prizes when she get 100 likes on Facebook. Woot Debi!!

Well in my life, June means school is over, except it doesn't summer school started, I had to sit for my CNA exam (which I passed with flying colors), I'm getting Stryder ready for Kindergarten since he turned 5 on the 13th. Jason's in school as well as working full-time. I also got a temporary job, I am caregiving for a lovely lady whom I am going to miss SO much when she moves to California in a few weeks. My home-based business, that I shut down due to time, money, insanity issues is BOOMING. I am trying to do trades for everything so I don't have any extra cash but DO get our house the things we need. It's working really well thus far. My birthday was July 1st and I'm now 30! So I had a 2 day weekend with my hubby, worked my 2 12's and then got to celebrate the 4th with the whole family, even my nieces and cousins.

I'm going to be giving individual updates on all of us in a bit, but for now. Enjoy your summer, love your families and don't go too nuts with heat exhaustion!!